
Leveraging collective intelligence to support entrepreneurs

The charioteer is the one who leads an important person to victory in the Greco-Roman tradition. Auriga Partners is part of this tradition of leading entrepreneurs to success. Since its creation in 1998, Auriga Partners has been a pioneer in venture capital investment in France and Europe, with more than 120 companies financed in the IT and life sciences sectors.

Because the innovation environment is increasingly complex to understand, Auriga Partners is now implementing a multi-specialist investment strategy in the fields of Technology and Life Sciences. Its goal is to leverage entrepreneurs, talents, business expertise and proprietary ecosystems to create and develop specialized thematic funds, with the ambition to generate maximum value for entrepreneurs and ultimately for investors.

The funds invest in start-ups as well as listed and unlisted small-mid cap companies, mainly in Europe, with the primary aim of supporting only projects driven by innovation and sustainability.

Investment Strategies

Historical Funds Generalist

Funds with a focus on IT and Life Sciences, with the aim of supporting entrepreneurs over the long term.

Established between 1999 and 2013, Auriga Funds I, II, III and IV have financed more than 100 companies with an established track record of 25 IPOs and 25 trade sales.

Among the success stories, Neolane was sold to Adobe in 2013, and the unicorn Nexthink remains Auriga’s main shareholder today.



Sectoral Funds

Funds on hyperspecialized future themes in the fields of digital/technology and health.

  • Auriga Cyber Ventures (2021): a seed fund in cybersecurity and digital trust.
  • Luxury Tech Fund (2017) & Cuir Invest (2019): funds investing in early stage in the transformation of our lifestyles. A first success story with the unicorn Vestiaire Collective.
    luxurytech.fund   cuir-invest.com

Territories Fund

Through its history, Auriga Partners has a solid expertise in investing in innovation in the fields of digital and life sciences

This historical orientation has led Auriga to take over the management of the Scientipôle Capital fund, a seed fund created in 2006 to finance young deep-tech companies in the Paris-Saclay region and the southern part of the Paris region. The fund has a portfolio of 12 investments (digital technologies, industrial applications, health/medtech).

Scientipole Capital

Opportunities Fund

Auriga Partners’ ability to create strong early stage ecosystems around specialized themes or territories in the Tech and Life Sciences fields generates shorter term opportunities.

Indeed, Auriga Partners can capitalize on its understanding of the sectors, its networks and its agility to set up SPVs or secondary funds, investing primarily in growth companies, allowing it to respond to specific investment issues with tailored solutions.

The most recent addition to the team in 2022 was the AOC (Auriga Opportunité Cyber) fund, which acquired a stake in Vade, a French cybersecurity nugget.

Auriga Opportunité Cyber (Vade)

The ability to build specific ecosystems and to animate them in order to create a form of collective intelligence that generates value for entrepreneurs and investors is the uniqueness and strength of Auriga’s model.

A forward thinking VC pioneer


Creation and deployment of a multi-strategy investment player with the creation of Auriga Cyber Ventures, the integration of Biotech Promise and the management of Scientipôle Capital.


The first funds dedicated to specific opportunities make it possible to deliver customized solutions by capitalizing on Auriga Partners' networks and agility.


Implementation of the first thematic funds with the creation of Luxury Tech Fund in 2017 and then Cuir Invest in 2019. Funds accompanying the evolution and transformation of our lifestyles and consumption (second hand, clean beauty, upcycling, etc.).


Raising and deployment of generalist funds Auriga I, II, III and IV. With success stories such as Neolane, Wallix or Nexthink.


Auriga Partners is born around Jacques Chatain, Patrick Bamas and Bernard Daugeras. A pioneering venture capital management company in France, building its reputation in the IT and Life Sciences sectors.

Our portfolio

An experienced team

Auriga Partners relies on a team of professionals committed to making their investment practice consistent with humanistic values of integrity, respect and tolerance.

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